Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Storm continues

WOW!! Can I say WOW again,what a weekend! Friday was like a brewing storm and it rolled into the rest of the weekend! It is all a blur,well Friday that is. I may have to im and ask Noel,where we went Friday,cause honestly,I cannot remember,except for the alone time spent dancing with Leo, which I always enjoy.

We started friday with halloween costume shopping,so sharing a cute pic Icon took of Noel .

Well between Noel and I Friday for some reason is a blur. OMG,talk about hysterical! really, 15 mins later we are still consulting on wtf we did!! We might not remember everywhere we went,but we can tell you what we had on....lmao. Thats how we are searching pics to determine where we went. You gotta love women! We truly are unique creatures!

K..we headed out late to GOL,finally figured that out..As always great to spend the night dancing with our friends,G,Rayyanna(great to meet you),Maryann, and Maryann's friend.

K...on with the images..

Luv ya,

Annah,Icon and Noel

Friday, October 24, 2008

More images..

well it seems you can only upload a certain number of images to each here goes a few more..


Can someone say ~ CUPCAKES and Icewater

lmao..sorry I couldn't resist that title..Here are a few images from past parties. We all love this image I took at an Irish club we went too(crawling on the floor),Kenz recommended the place and I did LM it..nice place,but off top of my head cannot remember the name.ok,cannot locate that pic,so maybe later.

Also will share a few from Jesse's House Party~ It was a costume party. I was raggdy annah,Noel was a smexah secretary.have mercy,she will have you takin notes and Icon was smokin in her Spy outfit. Kenz was a french maid,touch her outfit and it stripped her...ya know that was fun!The black/white image (legs) is oe I couldn't is one I have added to my gallery.Oh and I will add a few of Revs welcome back party..He left us like forever! Glad to have him back,but he has been warned he never better leave us again...I mean what are angels without their Charlie...Quite a few people came out..and honestly Noels house is one of our favorite places to party. The Night ended with us playing on the poles...Noels new favorite toy. We talked the night away..

Here's to cupcakes and icewater and awesome friends!

Listening now to Tiesto's Close to You and Wasted

It is sooo cold and rainy here ,good day to curl up under the covers with my someone special.

Luv ya,


train rolls on... and it is FRIDAY!!!

Hopefully the rest of the images will load this time..

Good Morning,girls! Where ever you may be.

I am trying to motivate to finish rest of the images for the exhibit for the exhibit at Kelly Yap Gallery ~ Oct 25 at 9pmslt. There will be 13 artist and their takes on sensuality. I canot wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Listening to Timberland~

Till the End of Time

Never Again

Set the Mood

I may share one image that will be i the exhibit as well.

Hugs to my girls.Cya tonight!



Thursday, October 23, 2008

Errrr..where are the pics

tryin this again here are the images!! Hopefully! LOL


Well where to begin, we warmed up at Rockstars and headed back to new found place Strays,where our( Charlie) Rev baby joined us. He is a big part of us and sooooo much fun to hang with. The night started with a pj party...I had to pull out my trusty meow slippers,ever tried shopping in slippers...if not you should sometime...partying is even better...

The owner and DJ of Stray's once again continued the party for us..You guys so rock!! Not much to say tonight,as a bit tired from getting ready for an exhibit but cannot turn down a night out with my girls,they always mangae to lift my spirits...

Till next party,
Luv ya,
Annah,Icon,Noel and Kenz

Runaway Train


Listening to AC DC's new song Runaway Train...mercy these guys so know how to jam. I figured me and my girls needed a blog to share our good times thru SL. We love to party,shop and create in sl. We truly are like a runaway train.. so come jump on with us.we love meetin new people and partying. Hell some say, we are the party!!

So to start, we partied hard last night at a club we found called Stray Nation Dance Club, event was over went we got there and these guys stayed and rocked us...I cannot say enough about these guys,check their club out and tell em The Triple D's sent ya ! Awesome music,awesome people and friends!

Luv to our party pals, Maryann,G,Shawn and Noels daughter Kenz.

Till next party

Luv ya,

Annah,Noel and Icon